To extract the high-level features such as edges from the input image and also classify the input image is a Normal image or Abnormal (Tumor).The model is implemented using MATLAB using Convolution Neural Network (CNN) algorithm for Brain Tumor Segmentation
To extract the high- level features such as edges from the input image.
Classify the input image obtain an output image as normal or abnormal (Tumor)
#Brain, #tumor, #segmentation, #convolutional, #neural, #networks, #deep, #learning, #normal, #abnormal, #overview, #how, #works, #algorithm, #Pre, #Processing, #Classification, #Post, #Processing, #extract, #high, #level, #edges, #input, #image, #classify, #input, #image, #Normal, #Abnormal, #implemented, #Convolution, #Neural, #Network, #algorithm,
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