
Speech enhancement and noise reduction using Cuckoo Search Algorithm


MATLAB Code for Speech enhancement and noise reduction using Cuckoo Search Algorithm


The optimal mask for each class is generated based on Cuckoo search algorithm. Subsequently, in the waveform synthesis stage, filtered waveforms are windowed and then multiplied by the optimal mask value and summed up to get the enhanced target signal. The experimentation of the proposed technique was carried out using various datasets and the performance is compared with the previous techniques using SNR. The results obtained proved the effectiveness of the proposed technique and its ability to suppress noise and enhance the speech signal.


Input speech signal, Noise signal


Suppressed Noise Enhanced Speech Signal


#Noise, #suppression, #Enhancement, #speech, #signal, #Input, #Output, #extraction, #Cuckoo, #search, #Waveform, #synthesis, #noise, #reduction, #process, #improving, #perceived, #speech, #quality, #degraded, #background, #noise, #listener, #side, #through, #use, #various, #audio, #signal, #processing, #techniques, #algorithms,


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